xvsdk  3.2.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CAfSettingAF settings
 CAwbSettingAWB settings
 CCalibrationCalibration (extrinsics and intrinsics)
 CCameraCamera interface
 CColorCameraA class to handle callbacks of the color image
 CColorImageA color image given by xv::ColorCamera
 CDepthImageAn image provided by a TOF camera
 CDeviceClass to get tracking results and raw outputs with a connected device
 CDeviceSettingDevice setting
 CDeviceStatusStreamA class to handle device status event stream
 CDisplayThe class to handle informations about the display (if device can display like a HMD)
 CEventStreamA class to handle callbacks of events
 CExpSettingExposure settings
 CEyetrackingCameraA class to handle callbacks of the eyetracking camera
 CEyetrackingImageA color image given by xv::EyetrackingCamera
 CFisheyeCamerasThe class to handle callbacks of the multi cameras for the visual SLAM
 CFisheyeImagesImages coming from xv::FisheyeCameras sensor system used for visual SLAM
 CGazeStreamA class to handle callbacks of the gaze data
 CGestureDataGesture data
 CGestureStreamA class to handle gusture
 CGestureStreamEXA class to handle extern gusture data. Only support on Android now
 CGrayScaleImageA grayscale image that is usually an image from a camera used for visual SLAM
 CImuData from IMU sensor of the XVisio device
 CImuSensorThe class to give access to data provided by the IMU sensor
 CkeypointGesture key point
 CMicStreamA class to handle MIC. Adjust volumn through source
 CObjectObject detection bounding box
 CObjectDetectorA class to handle callbacks of the object detector (CNN)
 COrientationOrientation only (3dof) of the pose
 COrientationStreamThe class to give access to 3dof data which converted from raw IMU data
 CPdmCameraCalibrationCalibration parameters of a camera using Polynomial Distortion Model for camera intrinsics
 CPlaneA 3D plane definition
 CPointCloudA point cloud of 3D points
 CPolynomialDistortionCameraModelPolynomial Distortion Model for camera intrisics
 CPoseClass representing a 6dof pose at a timestamp with a linear model for prediction
 CPoseFClass representing a 6dof pose at a timestamp with a linear model for prediction
 CRgbImageA color image in RGB format
 CSgbmCameraA class to handle callbacks of the SGBM
 CSgbmImageSGBM data
 CSlamThe class to represent the component doing the 6dof tracking with SLAM algorithm on host
 CSlamMapA sparse SLAM map with 3D points
 CSpeakerA class to handle speaker. Adjust the sound source(PCM) volume to adjust the volume
 CStreamStream interface
 CThermalCameraA class to handle callbacks of the thermal camera
 CThermalImageA color image given by xv::ThermalCamera
 CTofCameraA class to handle callbacks of the ToF camera
 CTransformRepresents a transformation (or pose) with translation and rotation matrix
 CTransformFRepresents atransformation (or pose) with translation and rotation matrix in float type
 CTransformQuatRepresents a float typed transformation (or pose) with translation and quaternion for rotation
 CTransformQuatFRepresents a float typed transformation (or pose) with translation and quaternion for rotation in float type
 CUcmCameraCalibrationCalibration parameters of a camera using Unified Camera Model for camera intrinsics
 CUnifiedCameraModelUnified Camera Model
 CVersionThe Version struct