xvsdk  3.2.0
xvsdk Documentation


C++ API Reference

Some conventions


The main entry point to use a XVisio is xv::Device. This class is the main entry point of the API, it gives access to the device and algorithms. See xv::getDevices() to have an instance corresponding to a device.

A device can have multiple components, accessible with member functions :

If a device does not support a component or doesn't have the component (for example ToF), the accessor function will return null_ptr. The data streams and processings under a component are activated only if at least one callback is registerd to the component. If all the callbacks are unregistered then steams can be deactivated.

Here are some example how to use the differents components.

6dof tracking with SLAM on host and get fisheye images

```cpp #include <xv-sdk.h>

#include <iostream> #include <thread> #include <atomic> #include <cmath>

#include "frequency_counter.hpp"

void onPose(xv::Pose const& pose){

// use the conversion function to get the pitch, yaw and roll of the orientation
// (be carefull of gimbal lock of Euler angles, that is why Euler angles are not in Pose structure)
auto pitchYawRoll = xv::rotationToPitchYawRoll(pose.rotation());
static FrequencyCounter fps;
if (fps.count() % 500 == 1) {
    std::cout << "SLAM pose callback : " << fps.fps() << " Hz [timestamp=" << pose.hostTimestamp() << " x=" << pose.x() << " y=" << pose.y() << " z=" << pose.z()
              << " pitch="  << pitchYawRoll[0]*180./M_PI << "°" << " yaw="  << pitchYawRoll[1]*180./M_PI << "°" << " roll="  << pitchYawRoll[2]*180./M_PI << "°"
              << std::endl;


std::shared_ptr<const xv::FisheyeImages> lastStereoImage;

int main( int /*argc*/, char* /*argv*/[] ) {

// may change the log level this way :

// return a map of devices with serial number as key, wait at most 3 seconds if no device detected
auto devices = xv::getDevices(5.);

// if no device: quit
if (devices.empty()) {
    std::cerr << "Timeout for device detection." << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

// take the first device in the map
auto device = devices.begin()->second;

if (!device->slam()) {
    std::cerr << "Host SLAM algorithm not supported." << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

// register a callback to get the current pose based on SLAM, the callback is call at IMU framerate.
// Framerate can be high, for AR/VR device we recommand using `getPose` function to get the current 6dof pose with no latency.

// if access to full stereo camera images it is possible to get images via a callback :
if (device->fisheyeCameras()) {
    device->fisheyeCameras()->registerCallback([](std::shared_ptr<const xv::FisheyeImages> images) {
        lastStereoImage = images;
        static FrequencyCounter fps;
        if (fps.count() % 30 == 1) {
            std::cout << "Fisheyes : " << fps.fps() << " Hz" << std::endl;

// Simulate a 60Hz loop to show the use of the `getPose` function.
std::atomic<bool> stop(false);
std::thread threadLoop60Hz([&stop, &device]{

    while (!stop) {

        auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();

        xv::Pose pose;
        // get the pose at current time (no latency because internally compensated with small prediction after the last IMU data received) ...
        if (device->slam()->getPose(pose)) {
            auto pitchYawRoll = xv::rotationToPitchYawRoll(pose.rotation());
            static FrequencyCounter fps;
            if (fps.count() % 120 == 1) {
                std::cout << "Current SLAM : " << fps.fps() << " Hz [timestamp=" << pose.hostTimestamp() << " x=" << pose.x() << " y=" << pose.y() << " z=" << pose.z()
                          << " pitch="  << pitchYawRoll[0]*180./M_PI << "°" << " yaw="  << pitchYawRoll[1]*180./M_PI << "°" << " roll="  << pitchYawRoll[2]*180./M_PI << "°"
                          << std::endl;

        // it is also possible to make prediction and to get the pose 30 ms in the future:
        xv::Pose pose30ms;
        device->slam()->getPose(pose30ms, 0.030);

        if (lastStereoImage) {
            // it is also possible to get the pose at a given time, for example the last stereo images time:
            xv::Pose poseAtStereoImage;
            device->slam()->getPoseAt(poseAtStereoImage, lastStereoImage->hostTimestamp);

        // it is also possible to get the pose of the device at a specific timestamp (based on std::chrono::steady_clock)
        // the pose cannot be to old and not too much in the future
        double t = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(std::chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();
        t += 0.0123;
        xv::Pose poseAt;
        device->slam()->getPoseAt(poseAt, t);

        // to simulate the 60Hz loop


std::cout << "Press enter to start SLAM ..." << std::endl;

// start the SLAM

std::cout << "Press enter to stop SLAM ..." << std::endl;

// stop the slam

stop = true;

if (threadLoop60Hz.joinable()) {


} ```

Edge SLAM 6dof pose tracking and RGB camera output

```cpp #include <xv-sdk.h>

#include <iostream> #include <thread> #include <atomic> #include <cmath>

#include "frequency_counter.hpp"

void onPose(xv::Pose const& pose){

// use the conversion function to get the pitch, yaw and roll of the orientation
// (be carefull of gimbal lock of Euler angles, that is why Euler angles are not in Pose structure)
auto pitchYawRoll = xv::rotationToPitchYawRoll(pose.rotation());
static FrequencyCounter fps;
if (fps.count() % 120 == 1) {
    std::cout << "Current SLAM : " << fps.fps() << " Hz [timestamp=" << pose.hostTimestamp() << " x=" << pose.x() << " y=" << pose.y() << " z=" << pose.z()
              << " pitch="  << pitchYawRoll[0]*180./M_PI << "°" << " yaw="  << pitchYawRoll[1]*180./M_PI << "°" << " roll="  << pitchYawRoll[2]*180./M_PI << "°"
              << std::endl;


std::shared_ptr<const xv::ColorImage> lastColorImage;

int main( int /*argc*/, char* /*argv*/[] ) {

// return a map of devices with serial number as key, wait at most 3 seconds if no device detected
auto devices = xv::getDevices(3.);

// if no device: quit
if (devices.empty()) {
    std::cerr << "Timeout for device detection." << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

// take the first device in the map
auto device = devices.begin()->second;

if (!device->edge()) {
    std::cerr << "Edge SLAM algorithm not supported." << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

// register a callback to get the current pose based on edge SLAM, the callback is call at IMU framerate.

// if access to full stereo camera images it is possible to get images via a callback :
if (device->colorCamera()) {
    device->colorCamera()->registerCallback([](std::shared_ptr<const xv::ColorImage> image) {
        lastColorImage = image;
        static FrequencyCounter fps;
        if (fps.count() % 120 == 1) {
            std::cout << "Current color image : " << fps.fps() << " Hz [timestamp=" << image->hostTimestamp << " width=" << image->width << " height=" << image->height
                      << "]" << std::endl;
} else {
    std::cerr << "Access to color camera not supported." << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

std::cout << "Press enter to start SLAM ..." << std::endl;

// start the SLAM

std::cout << "Press enter to stop SLAM ..." << std::endl;

// to get the a color image in RGB format, can do the conversion with:
xv::RgbImage rgbImage = lastColorImage->toRgb();

// stop the slam


