Xvisio Features and Quick Start
Xvisio SDK Documentation Home Page


1. Overview

This section describes the depth and point cloud features, and also a user guide for how to use XVSDK to quickly start programming a deep point cloud.

2 Depth Engine

Xvisio devices only support two kinds of depth engine:

2.1 TOF Depth Engine

The basic principle of Xvisio depth algorithm is to transmit the modulated optical pulse through the infrared transmitter. After encountering the object, the receiver will receive the reflected optical pulse, and calculates the distance from the object according to the round-trip time of the optical pulse. Xvisio module build-in iTOF (indirect TOF) which means the time of flight light is not measured directly, but through the algorithm of measuring phase offset.
The implementation path of the depth algorithm varies slightly from device to device. Xvisio devices support two types of TOF cameras, which can be used as below:
xv::TofCamera::Manufacturer manufacturer = m_tofCamera->getManufacturer();
Get TOF vendor type definitions:
enum class Manufacturer {Unknown = -1, Pmd = 0, Sony};

2.2 Passive Binocular Depth Engine

Xvisio passive binocular algorithm SGBM uses the binocular fish eye parallax matching principle to calculate the depth data. The passive binocular algorithm is implemented on Xvisio device. Xvisio SDK provides API to obtain the depth or point cloud data.

Xvisio Features and Quick Start
Xvisio SDK Documentation Home Page